This Is Comp: Nuggets Disc 4, Tracks 1-8
We're in the home stretch! In this episode: the most 1967 title ever, a shockingly good song by a completely unknown band, one of the coolest song intros ever recorded, and the primordial garage-rock classic we've been training for this whole time. The Chocolate Watchband - Are You Gonna Be There (At the Love-In)The Leaves - Too Many PeopleThe Barbarians - Are You a Boy or Are You a GirlSam the Sham a the Pharaohs - Wooly Bully The Strangeloves - I Want CandyThe Kingsmen - Louie LouieThe Knickerbockers - One Track MindTheme song based on "This Is Pop," written by Andy Partridge, with new lyrics by Adam Smith Opening music: The Hector Collectors Closing credits music: Kenneth Kraylie