"Soon I'll Be Loving You Again" 1976 - The Ultimate Marvin Gaye Technique Curriculum
In this episode we wrap up the exploration of the 1976 "I Want You" album. I explain that I've never really listened to this project in anything less than its full package, from start to finish. But I recognize if there is one song from the late 70s that is the ultimate in Marvin Gaye curriculum, it is the song "Soon I'll Be Loving You." Check out pinterest.com/marvingaye_enduring_gifts, we're up to 45K monthly views! YouTube Channel: Marvin Gaye's Enduring Gifts for hundreds of Marvin Gaye videos, inluding the SONG OF THE DAY PLAYLIST! Here are the 3 amazon product links mentioned in the episode. Marvin Gaye Music: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8atag=enduringifts-20akeywords=Marvin Gayeaindex=apsacamp=1789acreative=9325alinkCode=xm2alinkId=a21c1ab6fbe61b943ca80abf15c213fe Sara Happ Lip Products: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8atag=enduringifts-20akeywords=sara happaindex=apsacamp=1789acreative=9325alinkCode=ur2alinkId=2b9b9aa01d8ef0e90941e03317a2de03 SheaMoisture Products: https://amzn.to/33rUbRc