"Live at Montreux" 1980 - Marvin Gaye Tells Us His Purpose-His MOST Enduring Gift
In this episode I look back thru files from my youth, I've collected and archived, regarding special experiences I've had with documentaries, tributes and concerts of Marvin Gaye over the years. It's been in this past week that I came across the video of Marvin's 1980 concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival. This is a rare treat and a great, full concert experience of Marvin, at a point in his career where he has recorded the majority of his catalog, and he performs it with a huge group of skilled, TIGHT and well-rehearsed musicians! It was such a beautiful and deep experience being able to see and hear Marvin REALLY open up and CONNECT to his audience in his final minutes, of his final song of the concert: "What's Going On." I've long known that I am very safe being so sure of my adoration and connection to Marvin Gaye's music. But the last four minutes, or so, of this concert performance simply drove home the safety, correct alignment, and reason WHY I'm good to go for the rest of life on this journey WITH Marvin as a daily part of it. I was so touched by Marvin's words, and because I realize they could literally be a daily meditation resource, I have created two videos that are on our sister youtube channel. The first is audio-only. The 2nd is the full concert footage so you can SEE a HEAR Marvin delivering to us what he is aware was his purpose in this life. I circle back to perusing thru my archives and come across a stack of stories I wrote as a teenager when I was first deeply studying, for the first time, Marvin's albums. From my life-long love of writing, I was right at home to write full stories that I "SAW" as I'd deeply get into the visions that Marvin's full albums conveyed to me. We'll see if I decide to share them in full. I definitely remember them being extremely melodramatic, naive, and a hot-mess of drama. So if nothing else, they would be a source of comic relief to relive! I also know that no matter if I share those stories or not, the next ALBUM that I chronologically arrive at from here is "I WANT YOU." So upcoming episodes will focus on this work of Marvin's. Here are links to the audio and video of Marvin Gaye Sharing with us His Purpose - HIS MOST ENDURING GIFT: Audio-only: https://youtu.be/l4MXiSo260M Concert footage: https://youtu.be/phHLKUCNAU8