Acquiring the Book: Marvin Gaye's Biography
In this episode I share my journey in 1994, to acquiring Marvin Gaye's biography titled "Divided Soul." I was only 15 years old and this book came about at about exactly one year into my study of Marvin. It helped to deepen the connection that had already been formed toward him. I share my take on the book from the eyes of a 15 year old young girl and my take on it now. It is a definite resource for getting to know more about the life of Marvin Gaye beyond the music, which will likely only make the two more seamless. And out of respect for my audience's time, I address the fact that this podcast does not have a set schedule. This is out of the necessity to give you quality content that requires a flowing schedule for me as the creator. But to rest assured, this series is no where near being finished. We have much more material to discuss! I appreciate your time and every listen you give!