"Praise"-1981 (In Our Lifetime) Did Hawaii Give us a Little More Time with Marvin Gaye?

Hi Friends, I wanted to take this episode to explore Marvin Gaye's Ohana-Spirit connection to the Hawaiian Islands. I've been blessed to visit this gorgeous archipelago several times thru the years;  But it was on that very first visit that I immediately got it: the appeal the islands had for Marvin. The Islands are a spiritual place for rejuvenation, healing and renewal. I first learned of Marvin's affinity for the Islands when I read his semi-autobiography "Divided Soul" when I was 15.  Jan Gaye also details multiple visits their family took to the islands in her book. I reference a biography which MTV produced on Marvin in the mid 90s, and there is a section of it where they get to discussing Marvin's time in Hawaii.  They cut to speaking to Smokey Robinson and he provides the best example I will share about what seems to be the general state of affairs in Marvin's life, the times in the late 70s that he sought refuge on the Islands. Marvin got in touch with Smokey to ask him to send him a considerable amount of money. And Smokey stated that this was the one time in their lives that he denied Marvin anything. But he just knew what Marvin would have done with the money and the people he had surrounding him at the time that he was not going to fund it. Unfortunately the times Marvin needed the refuge of the Islands he TRULY needed it. But here's the thing. There's just something about Hawaii. It seems to be a little bit bigger than circumstances a lot of the times, or so I've found on my trips. There have been several trips where what Hawaii provided me was a sacred, spiritual place to go sit myself down and take some quiet time to get things sorted out.  Based on this, I just have this feeling that yes, Marvin was going through some of his biggest life's challenges the times he spent in Hawaii, but I believe it is Hawaii and the fact he was there going thru it, that gave us a little bit more time with Marvin and a few more albums from him.  There are so many Instrumentals from Marvin during this timeframe that I just feel that the visions that intended to accompany his sounds, are the sights of Hawaii.  The Islands definitely inspired his art  The specific song I share a STRONG and POWERFUL connection to of Marvin's from my very first, and very eventful trip to Hawaii is "Praise" from the 1981 "In Our Lifetime" album. I returned home from that trip with a newfound and very personal connection to understanding the need to stay "Praised-Up" thru life. Please visit our Youtube Channel "Marvin Gaye's Enduring Gifts" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChilKh5Wc2UolrxowWOPktw?view_as=public. Here I have posted numerous videos of road trips I've taken on the islands, where OF COURSE Marvin was the real-time music playing! I also share some non-musical videos (for example a sunset on the Napali coast of Kauai) to share the amazing aloha spirit of the Islands.

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