"The Days of Wine and Roses"-1965 (Hello Broadway) Marvin Gaye as the Balladeer
I first heard this song on Disc 4-The Balladeer of the Marvin Gaye Collection which contains a mix of Marvin Gaye songs from his 4 jazz albums released in the early 1960s along with a wealth of unreleased takes of songs later released on an album titled "Vulnerable." I share how this segment of Marvin's career has always held a special place for me. And the fact that my initial study of Marvin's music threw me into the middle of the Pacific ocean, so to speak, vs. the 3 foot shallow end of the pool...is the reason why my podcast series has the mission it does. The mission is to help expose you to the deep end, the Pacific Ocean end of Marvin Gaye's musical catalog. I share how I've recently come across a performance Marvin Gaye gave on a tv show from 1968 where he sang another song in this vein titled "Why Did I Choose You." Marvin Gaye is asked where the song comes from after performing it, and his answer to the question provides an explanation of the level of depth of Marvin's knowledge of this genre of music, his seriousness about it, his expertise of it, and the education that he was trying to provide to his listeners. I give you some backstory of cinema that is tied to the songs "The Days of Wine and Roses" and "Why Did I Choose You." I wrap up by sharing the very personal connection I have to this song through a very special experience I was able to have the one time I got to play this song for my grandfather! This song will shortly be available on our Youtube Channel: "Marvin Gaye's Enduring Gifts" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChilKh5Wc2UolrxowWOPktw?view_as=public And there will soon be a pinterest picture board capturing images relevant to the topics we covered: https://www.pinterest.com/marvingaye_enduring_gifts/