737: 'Austin City Limits'
Keith Jacobsen, patron of the pod, joins via FaceTime from Grand Rapids MI and gets to pick the topic. He wants to talk about "Austin City Limits" and his recent trip Texas.Become a Rockin' the Suburbs patron - support the show and get bonus content - at Patreon.com/suburbspodSubscribe to Rockin' the Suburbs on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or other podcast platforms, including audioBoom, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, Stitcher and TuneIn. Or listen at SuburbsPod.com. Please rate/review the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and share it with your friends. Visit our website at SuburbsPod.com Email Jim a Patrick at rock@suburbspod.com Follow us on the Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @suburbspod If you're glad or sad or high, call the Suburban Party Line — 612-440-1984. Theme music by Quartjar. Visit quartjar42.com(c) 2019, Artie S. Industries LLC