018: Metal Massacre I Compilation Review
Going back to a time of growth and change in metal (thanks to one Brian Slagel!), we get into the Metal Massacre I Compilation courtesy of Metal Blade Records. (NOTE: This is definitely the most metal sentence you will read today). JOIN US as we review the Metal Blade Metal Massacre I compilation and get deep into some metal history, some Metal Nerdery (and most DEFINITELY some metal silliness and ridiculousnessness!) MetalNerdery.com Facebook Instagram Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode 00.00: Intro (We’ll get past this…eventually)/Metal Nerdery PSA: INTERNATIONAL METAL NERDERY SHOUT OUT to the growing WORLDWIDE legions of Metal Nerds who are downloading, listening and spreading the wordery about the Metal Nerdery (our commendments to you all!!!) 04.26: Metal Massacre I, Metal Blade Records and Brian Slagel/Mettallica 07.26: Steeler (Ron and Yngwie)/Ratt (!)/The Orishinal pressing (Activate the MNTT!!) and Pressing around (Thrice Pressed)/Black and Blue 12.30: a weird spot in Metal/Steeler… Nikki Spitz…and a donut loving Yngwie! 21.46: Bitch (est. 1980)/PMRC: Boosting the sales of metal (and Satan’s ego) since the 80’s!!/hungover 26.13: Malice and The Geeoff T8 Total package/Hints of Maiden/Scream from the Balls! 31.27: Ratt (and their lesser, former names) with the Dave Mustaine of Ratt/The Ratt Roster (Bless Jake E. Lee!)/Street metal and gritty/Tell the world (that she’s got the looks that kill!) 38.11: The collective Metal Nerdery salute to the Savage Avatar of Savatage 46.03: Cirith Ungol (kick ass album covers)/pioneers of power metal and doom metal/Wait, WHAT!?/ www.metalnerdery.com/episodes /album cover awesomeness 51.39: Demon Flight, a weak King Diamond (and weaker album art) 55.30: Pandemonium’s album covers and eskimo metal/Wait, is that a dude?/Misheard lyrics 1.00.36: More Malice, more Halfordian/Band and Track listing updates on subsequent pressings: The Hot Metal awesomeness of Black and Blue (with Ace Frehley!?) 1.07.53: Mettallica /Proto Metal/KEEP SPREADING THE WORDERY ABOUT METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!