002: 90s Metal and Thrash
This episode we stroll through Loudwire.com’s top 90 Metal/Hard Rock albums of the 90’s. We talk about the state of Metal and Hard Rock in the 90’s, which was very different than what we were used to in the 80’s. A lot of different elements were filtering into the Metal and Rock world and changing the scene in good and bad ways. It was less glamour and more grit, which was more detrimental to certain genres of Metal than others. We have a run at bands all across the spectrum. BANDS DISCUSSED GWAR White Zombie Melvins Helmet Godsmack Death The Dillinger Escape Plan Sepultura Pantera Stone Temple Pilots ...and many, many more MetalNerdery.com Facebook Instagram Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode