Episode 9 Then Axl yelled at David Bowie "I'm going to kill you tin man"
1989 Was a great year for rock and roll and Oct 10,1989 stands out as not only one of the best LIVE performances from Guns n Roses but the unbelievable circumstances that led Axl Rose to chase David Bowie down the street in front of the club. You may have heard bits of this story but you never heard what David Bowie was really like that evening. He caused a bit of a commotion while finding sanctuary in the DJ booth of Joseph Brooks and on this episode we are hanging out with Joseph. What also made that night stand out was theGuns n Roses performance and what was filmed when the band didn't perform. What part do sex toys play in this tale of raunch and roll? Why did Axl accompany Riki to New York? Why give you any more teasers just listen dammit