#JCsMusicology - Madonna (1990 - 1993)
In our Season 2 premiere, we study the immaculate Madonna, during her controversial and confronting Erotica era. Establishing her production team with "The Immaculate Collection" in 1990, Madonna works with Andre Betts and Shep Pettibone to create a much talked about, but very underrated peak in her catalogue. Tracking the album's evolution though archival interviews and the infamous "Rain Tapes", we give the Erotica project the perspective it deserved. Interview credits: 60 Minutes Australia, BBC Radio 1, Jonathan Ross, MTV, New Music and Channel 4 (France). Special thanks: Lucas Cava (https://medium.com/@lucascava/like-a-prayer-30th-anniversary-celebration-27027ad4abd8), Remixed By Nick (https://www.remixedbynick.com/) and Adam Schoales. https://www.facebook.com/JohnCameronProductions https://twitter.com/Cameron_John