Season 2 Episode 6-January 24, 1949
Harry Truman's second term inauguration took place on January 20, and was the first televised presidential inauguration. Bob and the guys (Ralph Collier, Ray Sherman, and Jud De Naut) missed out on the gala this time around, but here they are with Margo Powers once again in tow. After the "Sweet Georgia Brown" intro, Frank Barton makes with the goofy copy and intros "Quanto Le Gusta". Bob gets in on the dialogue fun as well, then Margo croons her way through "At Long Last Love". The quartet (with Ralph Collier playing vibes) play the classic "Tenderly", then Margo returns for "Once In Love With Amy", yet another example of Bob picking up on a recent hit (Where's Charley was a big Broadway hit that debuted in October of 1948). The quartet wraps the post-inaugural gala with Juan Tizol's Ellington hit "Perdido".