Episode 105: Memory Almost Full
"At the end of the end It's the start of a journey to a much better place." Clearly in 2007 it wasn't 'The End of The End'! This week 2Legs takes a reflective look back at Paul's 2007 album Memory Almost Full with special guest Ed Chen (When They Was Fab Podcast). Tom, Andy a Ed play "skip or play" with the 13 track LP, discuss some of the promotional activities associated with the album (including the "Surprise" shows), the infamous "brickwalling" production and Paul's switch to Concord Music and their thoughts on the album 13 years later. Given this week's announcement with the imminent release of McCartney III we here at 2Legs are very glad Memory Almost Full wasn't 'The End of The End!'! https://whentheywasfab.podbean.com/ Reach Us: 2legspodcast@gmail.com Our Website Facebook Twitter Instagram