Episode 6 - It's About Time - Jonas Brothers
Looking deep into the eyes of The Jonas Brothers, our Boyband of the Week, who aren't as Squisney clean as they had us all thinking. Results of the first round of matches in the Boyband Video World Cup, with cake nowhere near the ocean, pitting boyband against boyband, and asking who has the best matching outfits or has nailed that "oh, you caught us dancing in an empty warehouse" routine. Boybandologists Amy and Zoe continue the journey to complete The Ultimate Boyband Chart as week-by-week we rank every boyband by their success, their endurance, their style and their sex appeal (just a few of the categories in this incredibly scientific process) to find out who is the greatest ever boyband. You can get involved in the games games games games GAMES on: twitter @theboybandpod, instagram @imwiththeboyband or email us at theboybandpod@gmail.com. If you're having fun with the podcast leave us a review or a rating, and subscribe wherever you're listening for new episodes - out every Friday. Theme music is 'Dance With You' by FireaLights https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dance-with-you-single/1273802350, taken from the trilogy of boyband novels Songs About a Girl, by Chris Russell. For anyone that has ever dreamed of saying 'I'm with the band'. Visit www.songsaboutagirl.com