Behind the Scenes with the Blues Festival Guide - Chasing the Blues (Season2/Ep 8)
In Chasing the Blues Podcast Season 2-Episode 8, we go behind the scenes of the blues, with Kaati Reno, Publisher of the Blues Festival Guide, serving the blues community for the past 18 years. We are happy to highlight their work, and thankful to them for being an official sponsor of the podcast. About Blues Festival Guide from their website - https://bluesfestivalguide.comHey Blues Fans,Did you know that Bobby Rush calls our magazine: The roadmap to the blues?Why? Because The Guide is jam-packed (approx.100 pages) with feature stories, art and photography by Blues’ top aficionados. The first third of the magazine is festival section (in date order) with hundreds of festivals including line-ups so you can get your blues groove on and plan your festival itinerary.And for you Blues Advertisers,We are confident that you will want to include us in your advertising budget for the next issue! Our popular, annual, Blues publication has a 100,000 circulation, is free to the Blues community, offers great rates and features entertaining editorial by Blues’ top aficionados. New Blues fans are cultivated, marginal Blues fans are converted and Bues societies gain new members thus giving our advertisers more potential customers. That’s how we contribute to Keeping The Blues Alive! Our rate card provides a wide range of ad sizes and prices to fit every budget. And remember, reaching 100,000+ potential customers for such a price makes the Blues Festival Guide your most cost-effective advertising buy.Call now to reserve your spot in the magazine! 707-630-3304 , or email us at*Annual publication, since 2003*Over 100 pages chock-full of history, interviews, lifestyle, festivals, trivia, cuisine, more.*100,000 copies are shipped out via UPS to U.S. and Canada distribution points each April; and fans can pick them up for free through Blues Societies, clubs, cafes, radio stations, record stores, and of course festivals.*Because it is an annual guide to festivals, readers retain the magazine and refer to it over and over. Fans anticipate the publication date, and when they obtain a copy, they hold on to it for years as a collector item.*The Magazine is available in digital format as well from a link on ourhomepage which makes it available to blues fans around the globe!