Rare a Scratchy Rock 'N Roll_044
RARE a SCRATCHY ROCK 'N ROLL EPISODE _044 COVERS EVERY TOMMY JAMES a THE SHONDELLS HIT SINGLE ... AND A WHOLE LOT MORE This episode spotlights one of the most popular groups of the late 1960s, whose leader would go on to a successful solo career beginning in the 1970s. They began as just another obscure garage band, but had disbanded when fate stepped in. A popular Pittsburgh radio disc jockey discovered one of their records in a second-hand store and began playing it at dances and on his show. Then an infamous mob-connected major record company owner made them an offer they couldn’t refuse and made their record a million seller. They quickly became the most profitable act on his label. Along the way, this group turned down invitations to work with Beatle George Harrison and perform at the Woodstock music festival. But they became the first rock act to tour with a U.S. Presidential candidate, who also wrote the liner notes on their most successful album. And in one of the most uncanny coincidences in rock and roll history, one of their 1969 hits might have prophesized the terrorist attacks of 9-11 that would occur 32 years into the future and four years before the World Trade Center in New York City was even built. They’re Tommy James a The Shondells. Any you'll hear their complete hit singles history ... and a whole lot more ... all right here.