Rare a Scratchy Rock 'N Roll_037
RARE a SCRATCHY ROCK 'N ROLL #_037 COUNTS DOWN THE 30 WORST ROCK AND POP SINGERS OF ALL TIME This episode celebrates hit tunes by out-of-tune artists, off-key crooners, sandpaper-voiced singers, and various super stars whose personalities overcame their less than super-stellar songs. Some were so bad they were good. Others did it for laughs, But the joke was on yet another group of performers who truly thought they were serious singers. Then there are enduring acts whose occasional sour notes didn’t keep them from making some of the sweetest songs of all time. We’ve reviewed thousands of tunes from the 1960’s to the 2010’s to arrive at what we like to call "30 Chart Topping Singers Who Couldn’t Sing." And for this broadcast, we’ve brought in an acclaimed audio expert to help us explain the unexplainable success of these records. He’s our very own "Rare a Scratchy Rock ‘N Roll" Rockologist – Ken Deutsch. We hope you’ll join us on our countdown of dissonant ditties.