Mountain Folk 4-28-20
Rodney Dillard is our guest on the mountain this week. He's got a great new single release to share with you. We'll talk fishing, gardening, existentialism and music. In fact, Rodney is so interesting, he'll be our guest on the mountain for the next four weeks in a row as we feature his new single, its message and the historic bluegrass music of the Dillards, also known to fans of the Andy Griffith Show as the Darlin' Family. Also on this week's show, we've pulled another audio track from a livestream-type song performed by Pastor Steve Simpson and his bandmate Matt Wlesinewski from Amityville and Hamburg, Pennsylvania. In keeping with the fishing chat between Mountain Folk host Dave Kline and Rodney Dillard, we'll also share Dave's song "Put the Yak in the River and Go" which is a spring kayak-fishing story song. Enjoy it all. Be safe, be well, stay engaged with music.