#218 5th Birthday! (8th Nov 2020)
We know. We're as shocked as you are. At no point did we think we'd last 5 years, let alone have anyone care! To celebrate half a decade in community broadcasting, we've pushed the boat out for a very special TNT. This show has it all, we've really pushed the boundaries of broadcasting* Remember! You can also get in touch to ask for request or shout-out at; nighttrain93.2[at]gmail[dot]com or https://www.twitter.com/RadioNightTrain on the tweets. To experience the show (sorta) live n direct.. tune into Sheffield Live, Sundays 9pm-11pm on 93.2FM, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org *OK, it's not THAT exciting but it is different to all the other lock-down shows. SHOW NOTES TBH, we can't remember if there was anything exciting mentioned. Drop us a message if there was something we talked about that you want a link for.