#211 (13th Sep 2020)
This upload is a day late and a dollar short. As such, there won't be a witty spiel about what we did on the show. Just press play and enjoy what we managed to produce. We promise, next weeks upload will be full of beans. APPLE USERS! If you could do us a solid by giving us a review here... https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-night-train/id1163313150 that would be much appreciated. Remember! You can also get in touch to ask for request or shout-out at; nighttrain93.2[at]gmail[dot]com or https://www.twitter.com/RadioNightTrain on the tweets. To experience the show (sorta) live n direct.. tune into Sheffield Live, Sundays 9pm-11pm on 93.2FM, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org