#209 Live Vinyl a Quiet Music (30th Aug 2020)
This week in community radio... we mixed it up again! For no reason and completely unplanned, we both decided to do a bit of a theme hour. Hour one sees Paul dig into his extensive record collection to give an airing to the purchases he's managed to sneak past his better half. Hour two is a much more low-key affair with Steve playing downtempo music in the style of Kid Koala's "Music to Draw To" sessions. Hope you like it, don't let us know which hour you prefer as that'll make one of us upset. You can also get in touch to ask for request or shout-out at; nighttrain93.2[at]gmail[dot]com or https://www.twitter.com/RadioNightTrain on the tweets. To experience the show (sorta) live n direct.. tune into Sheffield Live, Sundays 9pm-11pm on 93.2FM, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org SHOW NOTES Kid Koala's Music To Draw To stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ie5tv3k3u8