#208 (24th Aug 2020)
It's pre-record BAU this week as Paul has returned from the west and Steve has returned from the east! There's no guest mix, the self indulgence was toned back so it's just 2 hours of great music, hot chat and a great mini-set of mid-2000s glitchy-electronica. Point of note this week, both of us have realised we can put a jazzy effect on the mic when we do our links. Pay close attention and see if you can notice. Full disclaimer, this does not enhance the standard of the waffle. Let us know if the show is any good. You can also get in touch to ask for request or shout-out at; nighttrain93.2[at]gmail[dot]com or https://www.twitter.com/RadioNightTrain on the tweets. To experience the show (sorta) live n direct.. tune into Sheffield Live, Sundays 9pm-11pm on 93.2FM, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org PS. Eastie, we're still waiting on that guest mix.