#204 (19th July 2020)
We are totally gettin' in the groove now. It's been a few weeks but this show could be proof that we (somewhat) know what we're doin' with these pre-records. This week, tune-in to hear about Paul's drink of choice and Steve's current obsessions amongst other things! Also, don't want to big it up but these could be some of our most cohesive links yet. Let us know if the show is any good. You can also get in touch to ask for request or shout-out at; nighttrain93.2[at]gmail[dot]com or https://www.twitter.com/RadioNightTrain on the tweets. To experience the show (sorta) live n direct.. tune into Sheffield Live, Sundays 9pm-11pm on 93.2FM, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org SHOW NOTES What Goes Around Podcast https://anchor.fm/what-goes-around" What had happened was" with Open Mike Eagle a Prince Paul https://starburns.audio/podcasts/what-had-happened-was/ Aphex Twin interview from the archive https://web.archive.org/web/20080521045506/http://www.space-age-bachelor.com/features/99/aphex.htm Allen Tousaint Tribute Shows https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioNightTrain/allen-toussaint-special-12th-november-2015/ https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioNightTrain/49-allen-toussaint-tribute-show-vol-2-10th-nov-2016/ https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioNightTrain/93-allen-toussaint-tribute-show-vol-3-12th-nov-2017/ Tom J Newell's Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1cqjE5lE7KxgfriLYfTlL3