#185 Tribute to Andrew Weatherall (23rd Feb 2020)
These kind of shows are the hardest to make. After the news broke last week of Andrew Weatherall's passing, we knew we'd have to try and get 30 years in music condensed into 120 minutes. It's a hard task for most people but especially Audrey Witherspoon. Hopefully we've done a decent job. Tried to get things like remixes, original work, stuff he played, stuff he championed etc. If you like what you hear join us live (almost) every Sunday 9pm-11pm on SheffieldLive! 93.2fm, via the TuneIn Radio App or www.sheffieldlive.org Get in touch with requests, recommendations and guest mix inquiries! We're also available for family functions, weddings, funerals, boat launches and more. https://thenighttrain.co.uk