EP 9: Dave Schools (Widespread Panic)
Not too long ago in a county just north of San Francisco... Andy and Yeti travel by way of tour van to the remote wilderness of Sonoma where they discover a sage-like being known as DAVE SCHOOLS. He trains the Fro and everyone levels up spiritually. Also, we have World News with our old pal, Vince Herman from Leftover Salmon! And remember: if you can't draw a crowd to your show, then there's only one thing left to draw... This is Episode 9. To keep up with the podcast, follow us on Instagram @WorldSavingPodcast For more information on Andy Frasco, tour dates, the band and the blog, go to:AndyFrasco.com Follow our guest, Dave Schools a Widespread Panic: widespreadpanic.com Big thanks to our sponsor, Blue Delta Jeans Produced byAndy FrascoYetiChris Lorentz Engineered by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Brian Schwartz Vince Herman Arno Bakker Shawn Eckels a Andee Avila