EP 2: Birdcloud a Thelma and the Sleaze
In which Andy is joined by Nashville band, Birdcloud and their friend, LG (of Thelma and the Sleaze). Yeti shares his feelings on the stuff that really matters. And Andy shares his feelings on tour merch. This is episode 2. For more information on Andy Frasco, tour dates, the band and the blog, go to:AndyFrasco.com To keep up with the podcast, follow us on Instagram @WorldSavingPodcast For more information on our guest Birdcloud a Thelma and the Sleaze, visit:www.birdcloudamerica.com http://thelmaandthesleaze.com/ Produced by Andy Frasco Yeti Chris Lorentz Engineered by Chris Lorentz Featuring Arno Baaker Shawn Eckels a Andee Avila Vince Herman (Leftover Salmon) a Jack Brown (Sophistafunk)