Fall in love with the early hits of Vincy Mas 2016. With tunes from Problem Child, Skinny Fabulous, Hance, Hypa 4000, Reka Gaymes, Dymez and more.. Hypa 4000 a Kevin Lyttle - Burn Up De Road Primetime - IDFWU (I Dont Fete with You) WIZSKID - Own Way MADSKULL - No Regrets Royall - Bad a Proud Wetty Beatz - Message Wetty Beatz - Under Day Skinny Fabulous - Watch Thing Razor B feat. Skinny - Up In Deh Skinny Fabulous - Make it Rain Problem Child - All I Know Tian Winter - Smooth Criminal Reka Gaymes - Born for This Hance - Drinking Partner Hance - Soca Addict Keido - Frass Lil Vaughn feat. Sandman - OTNO L Pank - Water Ozarie - Bend Ova Mason - Dem Vincy Dymez a Da Pixel - Taliban Problem Child - In Yuh World Skinny Banton - Jab Forever Chewalee - Rumist Problem Child - So Good Sekon Sta - Night a Day King Bubba FM - Calling In Sick (Meet Me On De Road) R3cka a Rodney Small - Jam Jam Kev - TBT DYMEZ - Malice Luta a Pitbull - Boiling Point Luta - Pork outta Road Cameron - Honey Dripper Skinny Fabulous - Comfort Me Jamesy P - Siyahbonga Jamesy P - Painkiller Motto/Mr. Legz, Problem - Bend Dong L Pank - Jab Jab Session Naphtali - Fencing Pole Deniro x Wiz Skid - Do Way Yo Wah Do WIZSKID - Mahma Man Flanka - War Tanka Hypa 4000 - No Behavior Dymez - Wuk Him Out FRESH KYDD - N.S.N (Nah Study Nutn) Lectrick - Overheat DJ TARRUS - We Nah Normal Dose Up - Kicking It Messi Madskull- Nasty Habit Mylo Enah - Action Ova Words Skinny Fabulous - Solid As A Rock Skinny Fabulous - Godzilla ROYALL - Pandemonium Skarpyon - Mama Vs. Jab Jamesy P - In Yo DM Keido - No Man Skinny Fabolous - Sore Foot Reka Gaymes - It Lit Hance - Zone Keith Currency - Fetter MaddZart - Roll Bumper Flanka - Mr Stiffy Ozarie - Tight Jacket Rus-T - We Drinking Jo Jo - Wake Up Masterroom F.Masteroom