E10. Overcoming the Success Addiction
Would you rather be special, than happy? If so, you might be a success addict. In this episode, Arthur and Ceci discuss why success can be so addictive and explain some of the key attributes of those who Arthur deems “success addicts.” No matter your stage in life, Arthur shares three tips for overcoming your success addiction and living a happier, more balanced, and fulfilling life. This episode is brought to you by Talkspace and The Bradley Speaker Series. Get $100 off your first month on Talkspace with the code ARTHUR at Talkspace.com or download the app. Visit Bradleyfdn.org/Liberty to watch the most recent episode of Conceived in Liberty, The Bradley Speaker Series. References and further reading: ‘Success Addicts’ Choose Being Special Over Being Happy | Arthur Brooks Trading Health Risks for Glory: A Reformulation of the Goldman Dilemma| González, et al. Drinking: A Love Story | Caroline Knapp