Acey Slade - The Misfits
ACEY SLADE INTERVIEW STARTS AT 37:30 Talented multi-instrumental musician Acey Slade joins episode 42 this week. Acey plays bass, guitar, sings and has lent his talent to acts such as Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, Dope, The Murderdolls, and Acey Slade and the Dark Party, to name a few. Currently, he is the touring guitarist for horror-punk legends The Misfits. Acey talks about his career, how he joined The Misfits, and what it was like to be scanned into a video game - Rock Band 2. Plus D-Man and The Incredible Jeff discuss the ramifications of the number 42 and recap the incredible Cassini spacecraft mission on Science. Check out all the show info, videos, and transcripts at