Deals and Acquisitions
Tim sits down with Chip Petree, an expert in catalog purchasing and partner at Ritholz Levy Fields, to discuss deals. Together they breakdown the basic structure of a publishing deal and then what would it look like acquisitionally buying or selling one's catalog. 1:15-Chip Petree's background and what set him up to be a leader and authority on the catalog market. 2:48-What are the must have's of starting a catalog purchase? 8:43-How do you evaluate a catalog? 12:13-How is the Multiple calculated or what is the origin of that number? 14:00-Are publishers overzealous about the rates and income from streaming after mechanicals? 16:38-What is the Rate of Return? 17:53-How and when would you advise a songwriter and/or company to sell their catalog? Thanks to our Season 3 sponsor, Songtrust. Register for a Songtrust account by going to for 20% off the one-time registration.