Interview with Thao Lam Founder of Dirty Pop Cards
We make offensive greeting cards so you get the glory of being funny as f**k. Why? You know your friends and family well. Really well. These are people you laugh with ‘til it fucking hurts. Your ride-or-dies. You’re inappropriate. You say offensive shit. No one judges. We launched Dirty Pop Cards in July 2020 because we want people laughing together. Way more frequently. The harder the better. When people open our dirty 3D cards, half the room laughs out loud while the other half gasps, “that’s offensive”. B-fuckin-ingo. It didn’t take long for us to adopt a company philsophy of “Fuck ‘Em”. Life’s too short to give a shit about not offending people. So, every time we see customers cackle like hyenas, we do a little happy dance. When someone complains because they’re offended, we do an aggressive happy dance and say, “Fuck ‘Em”. Think about it…Ten years from now, is anyone going to remember that shitty, generic greeting card they’ve seen a thousand times? Not a fucking chance. Give them one of our offensive 3D pop up cards and they’ll talk about your rude ass joke card for decades. If you’re lucky, it’ll end up on their refrigerator. That’s Hall of Fame status. Whatever occasion you’re shopping for, our adult greeting cards will be worth every penny. Still asking why? Because they actually “speak your language”. So stop with the sweet, boring, lovey, pharmacy-quality bullshit cards. That’s not how people talk. You know you’re funnier than that. We know you’re funnier than that.