Entrepreneur Christine Pettway is launching blackstrade.com born from passion
Christine Pettway left a career in medical and pharmaceutical advertising to launch blackstrade.com and spearhead and industrial design initiative in the black community. She believe that in order to buy black one needs to sell black, and to sell black you have to make products. She believes Blacks have to learn to make there own products to sell them to one another and that means product design and development (i.e., industrial design). She is promoting her new initiative through a Kickstarter Campaign Promotion for Blackstrade.com --- Kickstarter Promo for Blackstrade.com Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/buyblack/blackstradecom-buy-black-sell-black Christine Pettway Blackstrade.com Founder is launching a Kickstarter campaign DETROIT, MI, August 2020 - National Black Business Month - Our mission is to unite buyers and sellers that represent the African diaspora globally, while building wealth among black individuals, families, communities, and countries. We encourage inclusion and welcome all ethnicities to join us in trade as we rebuild our communities worldwide. Blackstrade.com is a marketplace platform that provides an international meeting space for people to advertise and market their businesses while buying, selling, trading, wholesaling, or providing services to members. Instagram: blackstradeglobal Twitter: @blackstrade Youtube: Blackstrade Global