Interview with Author and Coach Patrick Ratchford
About Patrick Ratchford Look for my Latest release "Stepping Stones to Success" Due out early 2010! Or my present work,The Start Of Something and the companion CD Living life To Its Fullest. Need a life coach? A Success coach? Mentor? Search no further, if there is a goal,Dream, Ambition that you are pursuing that you would like to dot the I's or cross the T's. Or even if you don't know where to start. Personal, Business or relationship,look no further.You have found the answer to what you seek. Patrick Ratchford, "Motivational Speaker Extraordinaire" has owned over a dozen successful businesses, authored books, audio/video programs, is a sought after clinical hypnotherapist and relationship guide.But enough about me, this is about You. Twitter: @patratchford iizarHRzZfJPo69SpFu1