Interview with Author Joan C Wrenn
In 2007 Joan C Wrenn self-published her first book, Call of the Panther, based on her first trip to Yucatan, a mix of the tour and time travel into a young Maya woman of the past. In 2008 she again self-published a second book Samuel, Servant of Yahweh, a different kind of historical fiction about the biblical prophet, Samuel. She had begun writing this book before going back to college, then picked it up and finished it. In her studies and trips she had become entranced by the site of Yaxchilan on the Usumacinta river between Chiapas and Guatemala, and had visited the ruins twice. Their buildings and inscriptions were plentiful and beautiful, telling the history of the site and its inhabitants. She discovered the wonderful book by Carolyn E. Tate, Yaxchilan : The Design of a Maya Ceremonial City, which gave details about all the buildings at the site, in which she could locate her story. Always a big fan of historical fiction, Joan wrote and self-published the first book in her trilogy about the people of Siyah Chan in the eighth century. Young Lords of Siyah Chan came out in 2009, followed by Unsung Lords of Siyah Chan in 2011. Then family events curtailed her writing, the finishing of the third book, Holy Lord of Siyah Chan, until now, in 2020. Although Joans' books may be considered ‘old’, she thinks they are timeless, bringing stories of the past into the present. Click here to visit her website