S2E02 Khristina Joy
I had a lovely chat with Khristina Joy at the 2019 Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival. She mentioned a few ukulele groups: The BlueMUGS Balmain Ukulele Klub Hornsby ukulele group Central Coast ukulele group Port Macquarie ukulele Khristina Joy and the Z-Chords You can find out more about Khristina at her website. Khristina played: “Moon River” (Henry Mancini a Johnny Mercer, 1960) “Up on the Roof” (Gerry Goffin a Carole King, 1962) Loud in the Library played “Whatever It Takes” (Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman a Joel Little, 2017). Performers were Jasmine (vocal), Meredith, Sandra a Emma (ukulele and vocals), Amber (djembe) and the stylishly dressed Jim on ukulele. The music played in this episode is licenced under a Podcasts (Featured Music) agreement with APRA AMCOS.