S1E6 Tim Griffin
If you want to hear more music from Tim, he does a lot of shows for kids at schools and libraries around Southern California. He will be performing and teaching songwriting workshops for grownups at the upcoming World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, California; and will be the featured music guest at FenCon in Dallas, Texas in September. You can also hear and buy his music on his website, GriffinEd.Org and he has a youtube channel. Thanks to Tim for giving me permission to include his song "Leonardo's Mother" at the end of the podcast. Ukulele Is The New Black is produced by me, Meredith Harper and I also wrote and performed the theme tune. Graphic design is by Seb Carraro. Episodes are released every second Monday and you can subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Tumblr or your podcatcher of choice. Our YouTube channel has a playlist of songs relating to each podcast episode. Want to support the show? Please subscribe to the podcast, give us a review on iTunes, and go to the website, ukuleleisthenewblack.com to donate or buy merch. And follow the show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The music played in this episode is licenced under a Podcasts (Featured Music) agreement with APRA AMCOS.