Episode 27: John Martin Keith - Thank you! (Season One Finale)
This week we are wrapping up season 1 of the YOU CAN Make A Living In The Music Industry Podcast! I am saying “thank you” to all of my listeners and asking for some interaction from you about this season as we prepare for season 2. Show Notes: Sponsors: Edenbrooke Productions - We offer consulting services and are offering listeners a 1-hour introductory special. To request more info on consulting services, email Marty at contact@johnmartinkeith.com. Talking Points: *Thank you all for listening and supporting this podcast and it’s mission! I hope you are encouraged by it and now have some hard evidence to know that YOU CAN make a living in the music industry. I want to thank all of my season 1 guests: Gordon Kennedy, Mark Irwin, Elizabeth Chan, Jared DePasquale, Doug DeAngelis, Keith Everette Smith, Jeremy Quarles, Hope Thal, Eric Kalver, Nate Sousa, Philip Peters, Lauren Lucas, Brent Milligan, Ben Phillips, Blaine Barcus, Jordan Childs, Eric Horner, Chad Segura, Eric Hurt, Jared Ribble, Wes Cole, Dave Cleveland, Bobby Rymer and my wife Keely Brooke Keith for helping me with the pilot episode! I want you to interact with me by commenting on this episode through one of my Facebook pages: YOU CAN Make A Living In The Music Industry, Edenbrooke Music, John Martin Keith or Marty Keith, on instagram OR email me at contact@johnmartinkeith.com regarding the following: Tell me your 3 favorite guests/episodes. *1 thing you learned from that guest. *What is 1 episode you have not listened to yet but are looking forward to checking out? *I look forward to your answers! *Let me know if you have certain guests you would like to hear from or certain topics you would like to know more about for season 2. *Season 2 is well underway and will release before too long. I will post on all of my pages before it releases so you can be ready. *Thank you all again for listening, learning and supporting this podcast! I am forever grateful.