Episode 0: Welcome from John Martin Keith
In this welcome episode, host John Martin Keith sits down with his wife, Keely Brooke Keith, to discuss the purpose of this podcast and why it is important for people are who wanting to or are actively trying to make a living in the music industry. Episode 0 Show Notes: This episode is brought to you by Edenbrooke Productions. We offer consulting services and are offering listeners a 1-hour introductory special. To request more info on consulting services, email Marty at contact@johnmartinkeith.com or use the contact form. Talking points: * Today’s special guest is musician and novelist Keely Brooke Keith. Not only is Keely a successful creative, she is Marty’s wife and business partner. * Who is John Martin Keith "Marty", what is his background in the music industry, and why is he starting this podcast? * If you’re interested in making a living in music or are trying to increase your music income, this podcast is for you. * No matter how much you already know, there is always something new to learn from the professionals who will be our guests on the podcast. * It's determination and a lot of a lot of hard work and connections. * It takes multiple streams of income which is true in any creative profession right now. * For those that are married, you have to be able to take care of your family no matter what. * You have to have a spouse that is supportive of you and believes in what you're doing. * There are several things you could be doing to get your income to where bills are not an issue and that pressure within a relationship, if you're in a family situation, is no longer an issue. * We get one life time, let's spend it doing something that we're passionate about. * During the 2008 recession while the economy was falling apart, I built a guitar teaching business during that time. * There are multiple, endless ways to make a living in music. It's not always creative. * There's still nuggets that I'm learning or re-remembering from the guests on the show. * It doesn't matter how good you are at anything. There's always something to learn. * It's relationships. * Technology has changed so much that you can do so much out of your home now. * If you're going to do music for a living you really need to be in a music city. * Success is different for everyone. * For me to be successful is to be able to support my family. * There’s room for everybody. * There are small steps you can start taking wherever you live to build a music career. Links: * Podcast website: www.youcanmakealivinginthemusicindustry.podbean.com * Podcast facebook page: www.facebook.com/YouCanMakeALivingInTheMusicIndustry/ * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnmartinkeith/ Studio products Marty uses: * Marty’s favorite interface is the Universal Audio Apollo Twin. * A good starter interface, which Marty still uses for the road is the Focusrite 2i2. * Ativa USB 4-port hub. https://amzn.to/31tDlji * To connect an older Mac to newer tv screens, thunderbolt, USBs, and everything, get a Startech TB2DOCK4KDHL docking station. * An electronic height adjustable desk that holds all of Marty’s equipment is the Realspace Magellan Performance Collection. * Marty uses the Apple Magic keyboard so he can keep his laptop closed and focus on the big screen. * And the beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250 ohm headphones sound great and feel comfortable to Marty. Some of these links are affiliate links. This means the company we link to may pay us a few pennies for sending you to them. We only link to products we truly recommend.