Episode 8: Matt Nasir (Möngöl Hörde a Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls)
Episode 8 of Punks In Pubs sees Liam meet with Matt Nasir. Up in the high bar in the Scala London, Matt talks to Liam about his early years travelling around with the Blues Brother musical they go on to discuss Comic Books, Movie Soundtracks and Matt boast about his one of a kind Kurt Ballou (Converge) baritone guitar! Matt also discusses the ragtag band that is Möngöl Hörde, as well as tease whats in store for the eagerly, anticipated Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls album number 7 ‘Be More Kind’ The episode is finished off with a track from German Pop Punkers, A Perfect Mess. Don’t forget to rate and review on iTunes, tell you’re friends and follow the podcast on Twitter Instagram and now on Vero @Punksinpubs