Episode 5: Kerry McCarthy MP
Hello, And welcome to Episode 5 of Punks in Pubs, My name is Liam Bird, and I have to say sorry for my voice. I was not well when I recorded the intro for this episode! Episode 5 is me having a Guinness with the Member of Parliament for Bristol East, Kerry McCarthy. Kerry is a post-punk fan, and it was great to do something a little different for this episode. We debate if Jeremy Corbyn, the Leader of the Labour party is Punk or not! Kerry talks about being at the Pussy Riot trial in Russia back in 2012; I suggest new punk-inspired political leaflets to post through people’s doors. We also discuss the continuing closures of music venues and the need for cross-party support for the Agent of Change bill to save our live music venues. (For more info on the Agent of Change bill check out the Music Venue Trust http://musicvenuetrust.com/) Don’t forget to stick around to the end of the episode where I’m giving new punk music airtime. If you are [...]