Episode 4: Frank Turner
HAPPY NEW YEAR, I hope you all had a good one! Welcome to Episode 4 where Liam sits down and has a beer and a chat with Frank Turner. Frank and Liam sat down in November last year just before a benefit show at the ULU in London for the Nick Alexander Trust memorial concert. (http://www.thenickalexandermemorialtrust.com) Liam and Frank have a natter about all subject matters from our mutual love of NOFX, Black Flag and Meatloaf, YES FUCKING MEATLOAF! They discuss all things 2018 from new year’s resolutions and Franks hopes for album number 7. An album that he says will “split opinions”. They also talk politics education and love for shit beer! Liam also bring up an event that happened ten years ago between him and Frank? As well as some other chit chat. There is a slight problem with the audio in this episode, I’ve tried my best to rectify it but sorry if it disturbs your listing at any point. We had to stop the interview [...]