Episode 1041: Danny Golden
Happy Friday! Pittsburg-born, Austin-based singer/songwriter, Danny Golden is my guest for episode 1042! His shoegaze-y new album, produced by fellow singer/songwriter, David Ramirez and John Michael Landon, Changes drops on April 23rd and he's celebrating with a release show on April 24th at Vinyl Ritchie Records. Go to dannygolden.com for music, videos, show info and more. We have a great talk about growing up in Pittsburg, playing bluegrass banjo in Colorado, living in Brooklyn and ending up in Austin, making Changes and much more! i had agreat time getting to know Danny. I know you will too. Let's get down! Get set up or repair on your guitars with J. Scott Lutherie! Find all of your favorite podcasts and access all 1041 episodes of "How Did I Get Here" with the Podbean App at podbean.com If you feel so inclined. Venmo: www.venmo.com/John-Goudie-1 Paypal: paypal.me/johnnygoudie