Can KickStarter help fund your next product?
Have you been looking for ways to raise money to get your new product or idea our there? Have you considered crowdfunding but not sure if it right or how to make it work for you? In this episode, I kick off a three-part series on Kickstarter and using Kickstarter to raise money for my upcoming book launch. When I began looking for information on Kickstarter I found there wasn’t a lot of information about people using kick starter in our community; so I decided I’d document my Kickstarter journey here on the podcast. Here in Part 1 I share what is Kickstarter, why I chose Kickstarter and bunch of details I’ve learned in my research on my road to Kickstarter. Part 2 I’ll release about a week or 2 into the campaign to let you know how all of my planning worked, what the launch is like and answer your questions. And Part 3 will be out in October where I’ll do a full recap and lessons learned from me kick starter journey. I’m excited about sharing this journey with you guys and helping more of my listeners get on the kick starter journey. What you’ll learn about this episode:
- Resources I used to research Kickstarter
- What do you need before starting a Kickstarter campaign?
- How to promote your Kickstarter project?
- How to price your Kickstarter project and how to set rewards that will maximize your backers?
- The best times of year to launch a Kickstarter campaign
- Why I chose Kickstarter over Go Fund Me and IndieGoGo
- And bunch more