Hell Yeah Gluten Free!
Alejandra Luaces is a force. The former software engineer is everything for her business, Hell Yeah Gluten Free. She's the baker, designer, photographer, social media content creator - basically, name it and she does it. On this episode, Luaces talks all about her business including why she took the leap to create a bakery that specializes in gluten-free baked goods and what inspires her ideas that turn her baked goods into works of art. This episode's Who's that lady (from history)? is Stephanie Tatin, a French pastry chef. The Listen Here is Trashy Divorces. *Warning this episode may leave you craving some unique and tasty treats..and if you're in Atlanta you should buy some from HYGF!* If you like what you hear and want to support the podcast visit the Patreon page and consider becoming a donor for some additional interview excerpts!