Stripperologist a Gerontolartist
Two topics that tend to be taboo in the American South are aging and sensuality especially when it comes to women. The reasons why are deeply rooted in how society as a whole views women. Guest Meagan Jain, a Stripperologist and Gerontolartist, challenges those views through her non-profit called Ageless interAction and Sensual Seductress Empowerment Workshop. With her work she encourages society to examine the what and why of views on aging and sensuality. On this episode Jain shares stories about being a stripper, teaching the elderly to paint and how her two careers influence each other. We talk about the difference between being sensual and being sexual and how she encourages women to embrace their power. Additionally, we talk about how aging is viewed in the American South and Jain encourages listeners to analyze their own views on aging. The Who's that lady (from history)? is Julia de Burgos, a poet. Burst Your Bubble is the Listen Here. Resources: Meagan Jain Adopt a Grandparent Ageless interAction Instagram: @meaganjain Facebook: Meagan Jain Art