SwS : #MICROtalks - Histroy Of Microbiology
Hi, Welcome to our new series called “ #Microtalks”, where we will have brief conversations about Microbiology. In today’s episode, I will tell you a quick History Of Microbiology. I will discuss history is microbiology, discovery of microscope and controversy over spontaneous generation. You can also check our website www.sciencewithshweta.com , for notes on Microbiology. If you need any kind of assistance or notes on the specific topic, you can contact us on any social media. Twitter: @scienceWshweta Instagram: @sciencewithshweta Contribute us on Patreon: www.pateron.com/sciencewithshweta. ----------ADVERTISEMENT---------- visit www.instanote.in and use code - SWS15 to get 15% off on your shopping. Thanks.