Ep 37: Laughter Yoga – for Health a Happiness with Archana Rao from Laughter Yoga India
Archana Rao - the laughter ambassador in the Global Laughter Yoga forum representing India. She is with over two decades of experience in areas of Corporate Talent Search, Wellness Consulting, A life coach, a Reiki Master, Tibetan Sound bowl healer, Access bars Consciousness practitioner, laughter yoga guru. Her social cause endeavors for schools, colleges, Sr citizens, Cancer Patients have shown remarkable results a today she is the most renowned Laughter yoga Trainer in the country doing high impact sessions. Few questions I ask Archana Rao on Laughter Yoga – for Health a Happiness is as follows: Time Stamps: 1:15m to 44:45m Brief intro about Archana and how she got into this profession? What is Laughter yoga? Why laughter yoga? Why do we need to laugh more today? what are scientifically proven benefits? Is there any process we should follow You are also associated with cancer patients and you say it has benefited them? How Laughter Yoga Heals any illness? You have trained laughter yoga to Corporates and NGOs? Any insights you want to share about your clients feedback on how they have gained benefit We all know that laughing is as important as a daily chore. How can one practice laughter yoga? Humor is good but people may not be comfortable with all comedy. Is there a difference between laughter yoga and comedy? Is there a link between Yoga and Laughter? What types of exercise happen when we do laughter yoga? Do you see any challenges which people may face while practicing laughter yoga? Who can do this laughter yoga? Any prerequisites What are the tips a tricks you propose in context to laughter yoga? Is there anything else you would like to add, that will be of value to my listeners? Last question, how do you see Learning trends in 2020 "Powerful question" to my guest to unveil for my listeners. to engage, enlighten and empower (a that’s the mission of my podcast too) Timestamp at 44:50m to 59:15m According to you, what is the “STAR” moment? What “inspires you” to do everything that you do? If you owned the company, what’s one thing you would do differently in learning? What are the three most important things you would like to accomplish right now? What are your strengths? What’s the best book you’ve read this year? or anytime you recommend for my listeners? What are the characteristics of the best boss role models or mentors/coach you ever had? What made that person great? Are there any tools that you use on a daily basis to be a better you? Is there any habit you are practicing which has made you successful in whatever you do? Your advice to people who are new and want to accelerate their career? Resources mentioned in this episode: Laugh for no reason by Dr Madan Kataria Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay Connect with Archana Rao @ Email – archana@laughteryogaindia.org Website - https://laughteryogaindia.org/ LinkedIn We love your recommendations! If you have any recommendations on the topic you like us to cover or any leaders who you want me to interview…Please drop a line in the comment section. Please visit www.prajvitaknowledge.com/podcast for complete show notes of this episode. For questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Jyothi G at LinkedIn or email @ prajvitapro@gmail.com Like us? Rate a Review us! Please do show us your love by subscribing to this channel in iTunes, or any other podcast platforms and do add it to your favorite’s list! Also, your feedback is definitely a feedforward a your ratings help us build more credibility and attract new listeners. Hence please leave your comment and review as this will definitely ease me to keep making these shows better for you : ) Music – Sound Cloud – Liven Let Me Be a Zapsplat - Warmglow Follow the Stars of Learning on Facebook Twitter Instagram