Ep 28: Choose Your Battle Wisely - Life is Beautiful (solo)
Choose your battles wisely as not everything deserves your time and attention and please act before it’s too late as life is a beautiful gift given by God for your happiness and success. “Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it” as said by Viktor E Frankl in his book Man's search for Meaning Time Stamps: 13:12m Read more at https://www.prajvitaknowledge.com/post/choose-your-battle-wisely-life-is-beautiful or YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diZrFrYYQvc We love your recommendations! If you have any recommendations on the topic you like us to cover or any leaders who you want me to interview…Please drop a line in the comment section. Please visit www.prajvitaknowledge.com/podcast for complete show notes of this episode. For questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Jyothi G at LinkedIn or email @ prajvitapro@gmail.com Like us? Rate a Review us! Please do show us your love by subscribing to this channel in iTunes, or any other podcast platforms and do add it to your favorite’s list! Also, your feedback is definitely a feedforward a your ratings help us build more credibility and attract new listeners. Hence please leave your comment and review as this will definitely ease me to keep making these shows better for you : ) Music – Zapsplat – City Sunshine Follow the Stars of Learning on Facebook Twitter Instagram