Ep 25: Soul Rich Woman – Power Within by Genecia Alluora
Genecia Alluora is a founder of Soul Rich Woman a is also a former Miss Singapore and Southeast Asia Woman of Excellence 2010. She is the #1 female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia that connects more than 200,000 women across the region, the region, with a presence in 15 countries including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Former cafe retail chain partner with presence in 3 countries which later exited to a public listed company owner. She is the recipient of ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? 2019 by Aesthetics International: The Council for Progressive Women and the ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? 2019 award. Few questions I ask Genecia Alluora on Soul Rich Woman – Power Within is as follows: Time Stamps: 2:00m to 57:20m A little background about Genecia Alluora? 4:20m How did you overcome the limiting belief which might be stopping you to scale? 9:10m How did the journey to Miss Singapore to Miss Singapore International happen? 13:35m How did you build one of the leading women support groups in Southeast Asia? 16:40m What are the nuggets you want to share with women to have all this F (Fabulous, Finance, Freedom a Family) in their life? 20:20m What is `Soul Rich Woman’ a How does this help women in the world? 24:15m What stops women in specific taking charge of their own life? 26:25m What is your definition of Self Confidence a How did you work on your self-doubt, fear, a minimize distractions? 28:50m What are the reason for empowering women to go after what they want and dream? 31:20m How did you build positivity in your life? 35:45m What is the one most important thing in building a world-class business? 39:45m What is your strategy and what do you recommend to people while identifying the mentor? 41:05m Do we really need to care about branding and what should be the focus of this journey? 44:20m How to be authentic online? What are the challenges one can face through online connect? 47:35m Is there any process or approach that you follow in coming out with such great ideas? 50:40m What is your recommendation for the woman who just started a new business or who want to grow their business? 51:10m How do you see Learning trends in 2020? 55:45m "Powerful question" to my guest to unveil for my listeners. to engage, enlighten and empower (a that’s the mission of my podcast too) Timestamp at 57:25m to 1:07 hr. According to you, what is the “STAR” moment? What “inspires you” to do everything that you do? If you owned the company, what’s one thing you would do differently in learning? What are the three most important things you would like to accomplish right now? What are your strengths? What’s the best book you’ve read this year? or anytime you recommend for my listeners? What are the characteristics of the best boss role models or mentors/coach you ever had? What made that person great? Are there any tools that you use on a daily basis to be a better you? Is there any habit you are practicing which has made you successful in whatever you do? Your advice to people who are new and want to accelerate their career? Resources mentioned in this episode: Personal Branding Secrets Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki Soul Rich Woman www.canva.com Evernote Connect with Genecia Alluora @ Email – hello@soulrichwoman.com LinkedIn Facebook Instagram We love your recommendations! If you have any recommendations on the topic you like us to cover or any leaders who you want me to interview…Please drop a line in the comment section. Please visit www.prajvitaknowledge.com/podcast for complete show notes of this episode. For questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Jyothi G at LinkedIn or email @ prajvitapro@gmail.com Like us? Rate a Review us! Please do show us your love by subscribing to this channel in iTunes, or any other podcast platforms and do add it to your favorite’s list! Also, your feedback is definitely a feedforward a your ratings help us build more credibility and attract new listeners. Hence please leave your comment and review as this will definitely ease me to keep making these shows better for you : ) Music – Sound Cloud – Liven Let Me Be Follow the Stars of Learning on Facebook Twitter Instagram