Ep 22: Step Up - Women's journey to Identity, Success a Power by Sailaja Manacha from Physis

Sailaja Manacha - PCC, Author Founder Physis.co.in. C level Leadership Coach. Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy) and Transformational Coach working with senior Management and Leadership teams with 20 years’ experience. She has been running women-only transformational groups and workshops focusing on building their capacity and presence. She has launched’ STEP UP India’s first 100% online Women’s Leadership course combining psychology with cutting edge leadership/management learning. She hosts and leads Lead Powerful Live Mindful ( LPLM) a professional's women group on Facebook. Her Leadership Coaching is informed by Transactional Analysis, NLP, Systemic Constellations, Psychodynamic approaches, Body Awareness Work and Ontology which is the study of ‘being’. She is in continued Advanced Coach development with the Institute of Generative Leadership USA  where she deepens her learning and application of Ontological and Generative distinctions in coaching. Few questions I ask Sailaja Manacha on Women’s journey in career and her book Step Up  is as follows: Time Stamps: 6:02m to 53:30m A little background about Sailaja? 6:13m Why did you decide to come up with the book, Step-up and how is it going to help? 7:55m Is this book a wakeup call for the women who have buried their aspiration so deep a it could be personally or professionally? 12:45m You begin with `Understanding your inner world’ How important it is in today’s context? 15:05m The 4 main adaptations in women, what a how it helps us move out of our adaptations? 17:12m `Being present is like your GPS. Pay attention and it informs you how to navigate. How does one pay attention a is there a framework? 22:22m Can you share one or two examples of how step-up has helped them to scale or transform into who they can be? 24:40m Only 7% or less are women in a leadership role at corporate India and women are falling behind at every level especially just outside the glided doors of the c-suite. Does Step Up challenge this barrier and help to explore their leadership potential. 28:40m can you explain how self- care a you say `Practice the Pause’, how is this useful? 32:05m The book has a lot of practices at the end of each chapter to introspect, reflect and apply. Can you share your idea behind it? 35:26m What is your advise and how can women break this huge internal barrier and identify their strengths? 37:20m How does the five-finger solution operationalize in the process? 40:15m what would be the challenges, what is the toughest part for a consultant or organization or anybody who practices this? 43:15m Can you talk about the Step-Up program you offer? 44:15m Any other information which will be helpful to my listeners? 48:25m How do you see Learning trends in 2020? 49:56m "Powerful question" to my guest to unveil for my listeners.  to engage, enlighten and empower (a that’s the mission of my podcast too) Timestamp at 53:32m  to 1:06 hr According to you, what is the “STAR” moment? What “inspires you” to do everything that you do? If you owned the company, what’s one thing you would do differently in learning? What are the three most important things you would like to accomplish right now? if I may ask you, What are your strengths? What’s the best book you’ve read this year? or anytime you recommend for my listeners? What are the characteristics of the best boss role models or mentors/coach you ever had? What made that person great? Are there any tools that you use on a daily basis to be a better you? Is there any habit you are practicing which has made you successful in whatever you do? Your advice to people who are new and want to accelerate their career? Resources mentioned in this episode: Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna Connect with Sailaja Manacha @ www.physis.co.in LinkedIn - Sailaja Manacha Facebook Lead Powerful Live Mindful We love your recommendations! If you have any recommendations on the topic you like us to cover or any leaders who you want me to interview…Please drop a line in the comment section. Please visit www.prajvitaknowledge.com/podcast for complete show notes of this episode. For questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Jyothi G at LinkedIn or email @ prajvitapro@gmail.com  Like us? Rate a Review us! Please do show us your love by subscribing to this channel in iTunes, or any other podcast platforms and do add it to your favorite’s list!  Also, your feedback is definitely a feedforward a your ratings help us build more credibility and attract new listeners. Hence please leave your comment and review as this will definitely ease me to keep making these shows better for you : ) Music – Sound Cloud – Liven Let Me Be Follow the Stars of Learning on Facebook Twitter Instagram

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